Couple that with Majora’s dark, almost macabre themes and you have an excellent alternative, even if it is beneath a veneer of hyper color. Much of it’s lore is told via it’s environment and Majora’s Mask is the same. Dark Souls creates a world with very little dialogue. In all honesty any of them would fit here, but I choose Majora’s Mask for one reason. If you want a thoroughly enjoyable and unforgiving experience check out Skyrim with the Requiem mod. Thankfully the enemy shares your squishyness, assuming they aren’t in the heaviest of armor. You really have to make use of the dodge command, and know where the enemy is moving, if you want to survive.
This little mod increases the realism in Skyrim’s combat ten fold.
For those of you gaming on a computer though there’s Requiem. The game is still fantastic, but if you game on a console there isn’t much that can be done about the core gameplay. Skyrim makes you feel powerful too easily, which is something you have to work to achieve in Dark Souls. The combat is entirely unlike Dark Souls though. But anyone who has tried to sneak through a dwemer ruin can tell you that horror, suspense and fear is alive and well in the Elder Scrolls series. While Dark Souls takes its visual design from western myths, it is still at its core a Japanese game. Skyrim is a western RPG through and through. Pick this up if you’re looking for a huge RPG to sink your teeth into. It’s world is a lot more explicitly defined than Dark Souls’ sparse and underpopulated husk of a land, but it is no less engaging for it. While it is much more forgiving, a misstep can still spell trouble for Geralt. The combat has the same focus on powerful strikes and deft footwork as Dark Souls.
If you have four hundred hours to spare then consider picking up the whole series from the beginning, as like Mass Effect your choices carry over from the previous games, creating a more personal journey. What we’re left with is a fully realized, fully open world to explore. They were able to remove all of the issues that The Witcher 2 had, sub par combat and an odd segmented world. The last in CD Projekt Red’s Witcher series is quite possibly the best. Top Five Games Like Dark Souls – 2018 List #5 – The Witcher III So if you’re looking for a few games in the vein of Dark Souls read on.
Combined with some excellent world building, an almost survival horror atmosphere and some stellar graphics Dark Souls is a hard game to compete with. It is that very combat that has made Dark Souls an extremely popular series.